Fairview Mission Partners
Fairview Church supports many missions/ministries. We have them listed below along with their website so you may learn more about them, or to directly make a donation. Just click on the appropriate link.
Access Health Alliance
Camp Wesley, Latvia
Campamento Neheimias (Costa Rica)
Missionary support for Paul and Amy Priest (Costa Rica)
Family Promise
Good Neighbors
Helen Roberts-Evans
Hope Center, Latvia
Isaiah 117 House
Ishe Anesu Project (Zimbabwe)
John 3:16
Latvia In Mission Together, Latvia
Lisa Nichols
New Horizons School (Paraguay)
Raising A Voice - Will and Katie Boggs
Samaritan Hands – Dr. Jerry Russell
Serge Ministries
Simple Church/Share the Light Ministries
Smokey Mt. FCA
Wesley House
Wesley Woods Camp
Wycliffe Translations Dede